The Davinci Approach

Human Meets Machine

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Davinci aligns human & machine to provide an ‘Automated Clinician’ at your fingertips, no matter your global location…

— Alex, Davinci Head of Innovation.

How it Works………



Interface Humanoids

Our team of Interface Humanoids (IH) allow users to accurately identify their areas of concern. These interactive androids make data harvest from the user a seamless and expedited process.

The unique needs of all ages and gender are addressed by the team of humanoids that include RoboGrl, RoboBoy, RoboChild and RoboBeing.



Our Simplified Patient User Interface (SPUI) perform alongside the measurements recorded by multi-parameter clinical monitors. These off-the-shelf monitors obtain the necessary health information in an automatic fashion and synchronises with the data from the Interface Humanoids to provide a feed into the Davinci Algorithm.

An initial assessment (diagnosis) and a treatment plan is advised, and the user benefits from prompt and validated care plans.